Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I Heart My Butcher.

I never really had a butcher in Pittsburgh.  I guess the closest I came was Fosters on Butler Street, and while the guys in there were friendly and helpful and the bacon wasn't bad ( the kielbasa was excellent), the whole time warp vibe didn't sit so well with me.  Something about the walls radiating a 1970s energy diminished the aura of freshness you want when you buy meat.

Providence appears to have better meat karma (apologizes to JK).  Today and yesterday, I was home with little sick grumpy snotty P.  Company was here over the weekend, and I was in sore need of some alone time.  So the minute Billy walked in the door from work, I escaped to Eastside Market which was open until 6 on Christmas Eve.  (I hadn't bought anything to cook for Christmas Dinner and felt guilty.)  I decided against turkey (didn't we just have Thanksgiving) and ham (boring), and went to check out the steaks.  Larry the butcher gave me two beautiful strip steaks for $8.99/lb-- a $7 per pound discount!  In Larry's own words: "Now you know why Hollywood movie stars fall in love with their butchers..."  I'm not quite sure what he's talking about with the Hollywood thing, but consider me smitten.  Tomorrow's menu: broiled strip steak, baked sweet potatoes (thanks to PD for getting me hooked), sauteed spinach and savory bread pudding. Thanks Larry for reminding me what Christmas is all about... great deals on beef!

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