Monday, January 19, 2009

Breaking News...

Brown University's hiring freeze has thawed and my formal job offer has finally materialized. (Pending a brief, pesky but ultimately not worrisome background check.)  My days of lounging around the house, eating bon bons and watching All My Children are soon to be over.  

Now what shall I do with my last few days of leisure???  One last craft project?  Immerse myself in daytime TV and catch my fave ABC soaps for what will be the last time until my next sick day? Do some research on the internets to demystify Twitter once and for all?  Take the train to NYC and see a show or two?  Clean the house and make several months' worth of casseroles to freeze for when we are once again a two-earner household? Redeem my excellent and indulgent spa gift certificate?  

I hate to fritter away these last precious few days, but I also feel like frittering is exactly what these days are for.


  1. Woo hoo! But I'm sure if it's a cush university job, you'll have lots of time to blog during work. (Kidding.) My vote is for one last craft project.

  2. Darn, does this mean you can't be my official career adviser? Good for you! Congrats, really.
